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Modify source data rxjs

I have observable and I want to modify source (of({lastId, lastCreatedAt}) part) after each iteration of iterateAsync, but return data from listRequest, is it possible? export const fromListIterator = ...
mxxnseat's user avatar
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AWS Amplify, github, nodejs integration with Python-shell, module not found issue

Basically, I have an Amplify app that uses NodeJS and github. I'm currently trying to have App.js (the file that has the website code for Amplify's frontend) run a python script using nodeJS's python-...
Harrison Floyd's user avatar
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how to efficiently carry out a priority-based $or query in mongodb with 10 billion records?

i have a mongoDdb collection of about 10 billion documents. I want to be able to search in the collection using an $or query but gives priority over the conditions. here is my existing code : const ...
zaid Chauhan's user avatar
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What's the system that I can create a new collection of a document in Firebase Firestore?

I explored the docs but couldn't figure out that how can I create a new collection of, suppose this default user which is located in users collection. Now I created a collection for this document ...
Jahin Ahnaf's user avatar
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No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource, CORS error in MERN app

I was working on a project to create a simple payments app and during deployment when I tried to log in to the app I got the below error: signin:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://mere-paise-...
Om Kumar Rath's user avatar
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Express.js redirecting to incorrect URL when using custom URL scheme

I'm developing a Node.js application using Express.js, and I'm encountering an issue with URL redirection when using a custom URL scheme. Here's my setup: I have an environment variable set up like ...
SIBO's user avatar
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Trying to access a value from an element in an array

I am trying to retrieve a value that's located inside an element, which is inside an array, all of that comes from a JSON file that is parsed to be usable. But, although I can acess the element, I can'...
kouketsu's user avatar
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CRUD operation problems in NODEJS and MONGODB

How to prevent duplicate ID and email in mongodb, nodejsand expressjs. and stop registration. also prevent the user from registring twice. Iam just new in nodejs and mongodb i will appreciate if i can ...
Obi Apostle's user avatar
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Memory leak when handling and processing buffers

I have a Fastify API which allows users to send image files for printing. Bellow is the handler for the post route. I use @fastify/multipart , sharp and archiver to process the received image files . ...
Pooya's user avatar
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Node js : preventing "body-parser" to send stack error to API Client [duplicate]

I have a simple REST-API where i'm using (postman/insomnia) for testing. Data sent by client are supposed to be json. But whenever the client do not respect the format, the whole error stack is sent ...
Jalagui's user avatar
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Unable to authenticate with Office365 IMAP mailbox using XOAUTH2 in NodeJS

I've built a system in NodeJS to listen to IMAP for emails, it's was working fine with an AWS Workmail test email (Basic auth), however our organisation uses Office 365 with MFA so I've had to update ...
Sidilleth's user avatar
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Slow Performance and High Latency with Node.js Backend Using Prisma and PostgreSQL on DigitalOcean

I've been facing significant performance issues with my Node.js backend, which uses Prisma as the ORM, and a PostgreSQL database. The application is deployed on DigitalOcean's App Platform, and I've ...
Harmony Chikari's user avatar
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Jest reporting lines are uncovered when they actually are covered

I have a file reporting as only 48% covered, but when I looked at the report its very confusing because it seems like those lines are covered by tests. Example: Settings.js class Settings { general ...
Hershizer33's user avatar
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Set-Cookie is working in Localhost but not on the deployment

When i use my localhost login endpoint, i can see that Set-Cookie header is working and it is giving me value, but when im using my deployed login endpoint, i cant find the Set-Cookie in the response ...
Christian Sugarol's user avatar
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JavaScript encryption and nexe/pkg [closed]

First of all, I don't know if this is the right forum to post this, so I apologize for any mistake. I want to develop a full-stack application, with a backend and front end. Then I want to distribute ...
Normal's user avatar
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how to approach this slack bot spreadsheet automation implementation with Google app script, node js and bolt [closed]

So I am working on a project where I have to build Slack bot automation with Google App script, node js, and slack/@bolt. These are the requirements. the first user will enter /update-inventory ...
TheDeveloperGuy's user avatar
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How do I add a React project created in Visual Studio in the .Net Aspire?

I am having trouble adding a React project created in Visual Studio to a .Net Aspire project. I created Net Aspire and React App projects in Visual Studio and then tried to add React project to ...
P. R.'s user avatar
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Upload react web app registration form to cpanel

Please I need guide on how I can upload my react registration form to Cpanel. I have created its contents with wordPress but I want the registration forms to be with React or Node js. I am finding it ...
Ovie Peter's user avatar
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Google cloud speech to text with Asterisk, NodeJS Ubuntu server GoogleProvider: Error: Could not load the default credentials

Hi I am running Asterisk server with Google Speech to text facility. I have configured correctly asterisk and its working properly. I have nodejs script running with ws. I have used following script. ...
Dmap's user avatar
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MongoDB URI Undefined in GitHub Actions CI/CD Pipeline Despite Working Locally

I’m having trouble with my GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline when it comes to connecting to MongoDB. The connection works perfectly in my local environment, but when I run the tests in GitHub Actions, I ...
sofies's user avatar
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Fluent FFmpeg Thumbnail Extraction Error: "muxing overhead: unknown, conversion failed"

I'm trying to extract a thumbnail from a video using Fluent FFmpeg, but I'm encountering the error "muxing overhead: unknown, conversion failed." Despite this error, the thumbnail is being ...
Abdul Hannan Mahmood's user avatar
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How to efficiently handle large file uploads in Node.js with streaming?

"I'm working on a Node.js application where users can upload large files (e.g., videos or datasets). I've come across several approaches, such as using multer for handling multipart uploads, but ...
Nitin Sharma's user avatar
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Medusa Subscriber Not Logging Product Updates

I'm having trouble with a Medusa subscriber that's supposed to log product update events. The subscriber is being triggered, but the log message is not appearing. import { ProductService, ...
wesam's user avatar
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Webpack 4 - Laravel Mix - Node.js 21 - Cannot execute npm run watch command - Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

Sorry, for this question, but actually I'm no expert of Webpack with Laravel Mix. I'm working on an very old project with Webpack 4 and Laravel Mix. I know the best solution would be to upgrade all ...
dns_nx's user avatar
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nodejs. read and execute function from file into another file

I created 10 js scripts that perform scraping actions (nodejs). They are composed as follows: initial part: login final part: specific actions for each script. How can I externalize the login ...
CloudMike's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can we have Multiple Interceptor for a single Http method in Nestjs?

Is it possible to have multiple interceptor for a single HTTP method. for instance we a have a file upload method, where the express fileInterceptor handles. And I have generalized response structure ...
Roop kumar.R's user avatar
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elapsedVideoTimeRatio does not return 100 datapoints google api

I'm using the the google api to measure the retention and acccording to their docs it should always return 100 datapoints but I'm getting lower than that, some as low as 71? Does anyone else have a ...
Jesper Hägglund's user avatar
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Npm install throws EPERM and unexpected token error for Nodejs application

I am trying to set up my workspace for the Nodejs application. My team is using Nodejs version 18.17.1 and npm version 9.6.7. With the same version, npm install command throws errno : -4048 and Code: '...
Keerthana Hemachandran's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does mobile browser request for client certificate in SAML auth while desktop browser doesn't?

I'm really new to this, please bear w me. I've been trying to implement SAML auth with a private IdP. Facing an issue where mobile browser prompts a dialogue requesting for a client certificate which ...
Muhammad Faheem's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to fix eslint - node version compatibilty issue?

I am trying to configure eslint & prettier in my node project When i run npm i i am getting version compatibility warning for eslint.How can i fix this ? I tried to specify node version within ...
lekshmi's user avatar
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Which is Better between express js, hapi js and nest js [closed]

I'm building a new project for my company. it's a large project and will get huge api requests. this project will be complex and connecting to the Java Spring boot micro-service project. please tell ...
Polas's user avatar
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Issue with 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' in my Node.js application

I've been stuck on this problem for a few days now and I can't seem to find a solution. Thank you in advance for your help. I've configured CORS permissions in my index file as follows: const ...
Moutaz Abdelhadey's user avatar
-1 votes
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react latest version getting some error while running the test cases [closed]

Installed the latest version for react app trying to run the application it was working, but when i try to run the test cases with npm run test throwing below error [email protected] test > ...
Hussian Shaik's user avatar
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Resend : req.method !== 'POST'

I got a problem with my code : When I try to use Resend on this website, it doesnt work because of an error 405. So the req.method is different of 'POST' but i dont understand how its possible. Here a ...
AchelDrinker's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to Implement Barcode Scanning Functionality in JavaScript? [closed]

I'm working on a project where I need to integrate barcode scanning functionality using JavaScript. I want to allow users to scan barcodes using their device's camera, and then process the scanned ...
Godbless Nyagawa's user avatar
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Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames. While using "@kubernetes/client-node" version 0.15 in ipv6 configuration only

I am using "@kubernetes/client-node" 0.15 version in my node project. The same configuration is working fine in the ipv4 configuration. But when same configuration and code is used in the ...
Nishant Singh's user avatar
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How to Sort Users by Their Last Sent Message Timestamp in NestJS with TypeORM and PostgreSQL?

I'm working on a NestJS application with TypeORM and PostgreSQL, and I need to fetch a list of users sorted by the timestamp of the last message they sent. I have two entities, User and Message, ...
StormTrooper's user avatar
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IIFE is not giving any output [duplicate]

I tried IIFE in js, but its not giving any output if I am not executing any other part of the code in the program except this function(using node) When I tried executing or printing any other thing ...
Ishanki Verma's user avatar
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How do I use js-joda timezone operations in node?

I am attempting to use @js-joda/core in this code snippet in a node environment: LocalDateTime.parse( + "T" + row.time) .atZone(ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles")) ....
Kevin's user avatar
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How does FunctionTemplate::GetFunction may return something? [duplicate]

In V8 code there is a function that receives a function MaybeLocal<v8::Function> FunctionTemplate::GetFunction(Local<Context> context) { PREPARE_FOR_EXECUTION(context, FunctionTemplate, ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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Does anyone know how I can set my chatbot status to "typing" on whatsapp when generating an answer?

i’m creating a chatbot using the graph api on meta for devs, does anyone knows how can I send a request to show when the chatbot is typing? I found the sender_actions structure, after trying to send a ...
Hervey Navarro's user avatar
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In Javascript / Node.JS parse XML and extract attributes of the parent node

I'm using @xmldom/xmldom's DOMParser and xpath to process an XML document. I locate a set of nodes that match an XPath expression e.g. //MyElement. I'm getting the expected elements back. I can print ...
David Brossard's user avatar
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mongoose.connect is not a function

I am using nextJs app router and mongodb and this is the file where i connect to the database import mongoose from 'mongoose' let isConnected = false; export const connectToDB = async () => { ...
Tahir Mansour's user avatar
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All data in a Google Sheet not being returned using the Sheets API and Node.js

All data is not being returned in an API request to spreadsheets.values in the Sheets API using Node.js. An example Sheet - note that in the header row, columns E-I and J-N are merged: Code: ...
hcdocs's user avatar
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Setting Cookie is working in postman but not in chrome vercel production

I am trying to create a login function for my movies website and im using passportjs for authentication, the cookie is working in postman but when i integrate it to the login function of my front end ...
Christian Sugarol's user avatar
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ts-node isn't working for a simple typescript application [duplicate]

I'm new to the NodeJS world. I wanted to build an API with Express.js. I wrote my code with "Typescript" and now I want to run a super simple application Node version: v22.3.0 npm version: ...
Mohammed Salah's user avatar
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Keep getting token expired response on mobile devices

I have a frontend React app that I created using Vite with TypeScript, hosted via Vercel, and an Express app that I'm hosting via Heroku. When a user logs in with their credentials and it is correct, ...
yigit's user avatar
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How to set up my complex filter with zoompan and xfade for ffmpeg using Fluent-FFmpeg .complexFilter method?

I'm using fluent-ffmpeg with Node.js. My problem is the setup of my complex filter. const filters = Array.from({ length: imageCount - 1 }).map((_, i) => { const rndInt = Math.floor(Math....
Rémy Groleau's user avatar
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Multer destination configuration not being applied

I'm trying to enable a profile pic feature in my web application. To do so, I'm using Express (4.19.2) for the server and Multer (1.4.5-lts.1) for multipart requests and file handling, however, Multer ...
MarCordero385's user avatar
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How to allow Cross-Origin using vite and express

I have two servers running on my computer. Server 1 uses Vite, and Server 2 uses Express. Server 1 is where I go on my browser, and Server 2 is for scripts I can't run through Vite. The home page (...
Alex's user avatar
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